This is a game I fiddled around with before it came to the states, and now it's here. So, now that we can actually see what's going on, let's give it a once-over from the beginning.
Onigiri is a Japanese-inspired MMORPG from (you guessed it) Japan, It is available on PS4 and XBone for digital download.
Character creation was rather simple. You can choose one of four body types per gender, starting clothes, hair and eye color, facial features, and fighting style.
As you can see the scenery is gorgeous, with a subtle unfocusing effect to give the feeling of depth.
Unfortunately, because of the novelty of the game, there are areas where too many players are causing a bit of lag. This has also caused problems with the Cash Store, which ordinarily I would advise you to stay away from, but there is a special gift waiting for Playstation Plus members. As soon as they clear up the lag problems, this issue should be fixed.
As usual, leveling at the early part is rather easy. You should reach level 3 from the first boss fight. I hit level 10 after running the first dungeon 2 times at the lowest difficulty.
Things seem easy enough. You have a single button (R1), which you hold down for combination attacks with your weapon. Slashing and Smashing weapons, like swords, daggers, clubs, and spears, will hit anything in front of you, and are easier to use. Long-range weapons, such as wands and bows, require you to aim a crosshair at the target to hit, and will require more finesse.
Hitting or pressing L1 will unleash one of a few magic skills, which you can select with L2 and R2, and you can change weapons by pressing up or down on the directional pad.
View a video of the initial dungeon here.
Hey Gerald, can you send me an e-mail at I want to talk to you about sharing your reviews!